She has long brown and tan evening style gloves, which act like a falconer's gauntlet. Paine wears a dark purple and orange corset top with black studded straps.

He has a long purple and white tail with orange and blue extensions sticking off the tops of his head. His face is red and he has two pieces of fur tied with blue and yellow clasps. Ghiki is a orange and tan male monkey wearing a purple shawl. She wears a long yellow and blue skirt with blue ribbons laced through yellow clasps. She has long maroon sleeves that cover her hands held on by black and blue straps. Rikku wears a tan and light green corset top with white and purple straps over yellow and black straps. This is play on words, as dai means "big" and ko means "little" in Japanese. Kogoro is a male dog resembling Yojimbo's pet Daigoro from Final Fantasy X. Kogoro is an orange dog with purple tufts of fur and gold markings on his head, shoulders and tail.

She wears long tan and brown sleeves with gloves, a long blue skirt with red trim on the front and brown sides that has dark blue ribbons laced through yellow clasps in the front.

Yuna wears a tan and brown corset top with yellow and black straps above blue and white straps. The Trainer dons a long, flowing skirt with long sleeves and gloves.